Green-Paq OXO Biodegradable Plastic

Not only are our new Green-Paq inflatable packaging bags made with OXO biodegradable material, but compared to many alternative forms of protective packaging they have a much lower carbon footprint.
OXO Biodegradable
Green-Paq inflatable bags are made with 95% OXO biodegradable plastic, meaning it starts to degrade once disposed in landfill. The bags undergo a two-stage degradation process. The first is Oxidative Degradation enhanced by a catalytic reaction. Once this has happened the second part is biodegradation in soil or a bio-active composting environment. The OXO biodegradable material is converted into CO2, H2O and biomass as the final remnant. A small proportion of the bag material is made from nylon to improve performance, which is not biodegradable.
The biodegradability of the Green-Paq material has been tested by the SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden (“SP”) who performed SP Method SPCR 141 Appendix 4 “Polymeric Waste degradable by abiotic and subsequent biological degradation (A + B Degradation)- Requirements and test Methods.” SP concluded that the test material fulfils all the requirements of SPCR 141 appendix 4, which is in accordance with ASTM D6954.
Less Space and Fewer Logistics
Uninflated bags take up much less space than paper and board based protective packaging (for example there are an average of 10,000 Green-Paq deflated bags stored on just one euro-pallet), meaning significantly less vehicles are required to transport them and much less storage space is required, all helping to reduce CO2 emissions and carbon footprint.
Light Weight
The weight of any packaging materials will directly impact the amount of energy required to transport both the packaging materials themselves and also the pack of finished goods to the retailer or end-user. Switching to a lighter weight material can positively impact your carbon footprint. Once inflated and ready for use, inflatable Green-Paq bags consist of only 2% plastic and 98% air – so, that’s pretty much as light as air!

Green-Paq bags can also be fully recycled in standard recycling facilities if they are not disposed of to biodegrade in landfill.
Green-Paq inflatable bags are available to protect bottles and fragile goods whilst in transit. Contact us today for samples and more information. View and buy Green-Paq biodegradable bags here. For more information on our Green-Paq packaging solutions, get in touch with our team today.